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외국어 공부/김재우의 영어회화 100

김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day 6 모든 것 중 최고라고 강조하기

by 차밍블루 2024. 5. 31.

Day006 - There is nothing like camping to recharge your batteries.

재충전에는 캠핑만 한 게 없죠.

Model Examples

1. There's nothing like a nice meal with friends to turn a bad week around.

2. There's nothing like binging a show on Netflix all weekend.

3. There is nothing like a turkey dinner and spiced wine for Christmas.

4. I'm so glad we can go to concerts again. There's nothing like seeing your favorite band live.

5. There's nothing like real maple syrup on pancakes.


1. 안 좋았던 한 주를 날려 버리려면 친구들과 맛있는 식사를 하는 게 최고지
2. 주말 내내 넷플릭스 드라마 보는 게 최고야
3. 크리스마스에는 칠면조 저녁 식사와 풍미 좋은 와인만 한 게 없지
4. 다시 콘서트에 갈 수 있어서 너무 좋아. 가장 좋아하는 밴드의 라이브 공연을 보는 것만큼 좋은 것은 없지.
5. 팬케이크에는 진짜 메이플 시럽을 얹어 먹어야 제맛이야

Small Talk

1. There's nothing like a cold beer after a long day of work. How about we go grab one when we get off?

Sure! As long as you're buying

2. Sorry if I sem a little depressed. My boyfriend and I decided to take a little break. I really miss him.

Aww, I'm sorry. Come on, let's go shopping. I know you. There's nothing like buying clothes to cheer you up.

3. I can't wait to get home. My husband said he would cook me something special.

Oh, that's perfect then! There's nothing like a home-cooked meal to lift your spirits after a long day.


1. 회사에서 힘든 하루를 보내고 나면 시원한 맥주가 최고지, 퇴근하고 한잔하러 갈까?
좋지! 네가 산다면
2. 내가 좀 쳐져 보인다면 미안. 남자 친구랑 잠시 안 보기로 했거든, 근데 정말 보고 싶어
아 그랬구나. 그럼 쇼핑하러 가자. 내가 널 알잖아. 기분 전환에는 옷 사는 게 최고야
3. 어서 집에 가고 싶어, 남편이 특별한 음식을 해 준다고 했거든
오 멋지다! 힘든 하루를 보낸 후에는 기운을 차리는 데 집밥만 한 게 없지.



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