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김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day48 동감 나타내기 Day 48I feel the same way.저도 같은 생각이에요.  김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples 1I'm glad you felt the same way.2Were you really happy with the service there? I certainly didn't feel the same way.3I don't like working with hime, and I think he feels the same way towards me.4I want to work with you again someday, and I hope you feel the same way.5I'm glad you brought it up. I was feeling the same way. .. 2024. 8. 3.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day47 동사 owe를 이용해 갚아야 할 돈이나 신세에 대해 말하기 Day 47You owe me five bucks.너 나한테 5달러 줄 거 있어. 김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples    1You owe me 100,000 won.2Want me to grab you something from coffee shop? I owe you lunch, anyway.3I owe you a favor for helping me move.4You owe me 20 push-ups in our next session.5Why do you accept such poor treatment from your supervisors? You act like you owe them something. 1너 나한테 십만 원 갚을 거 있잖아2카페에서 뭐 좀 사 갈까? .. 2024. 8. 1.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day46 동사 complain을 이용해 의견 말하기 Day 46I can’t complain at all.나쁘지 않아요.  김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples    1I can't complain. Things are going pretty well.2I've been feeling a little out of sorts lately, but I can't complain.3I can't complain. He is easy to work with.4The tacos I've had in Korea are much less spicy. I can't complain, though.5I can't complain at all. The handling was pretty good  1(요즘 좋아보인다는 말에 대해) 나쁘지 않아요. 일.. 2024. 7. 29.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day45 칭찬에 대해 감사 표현하기 Day 45It’s nice of you to say so.그렇게 말씀해 주셔서 너무 고맙습니다.  김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples    1You think so? That's so nice of you to say.2How nice of you to say so!3That's so sweet of you to say something like that.4You're kidding, right? Thank you for saying so, but I'm still not quite happy with it5It's nice of you to offer, but I don't really need any more help.   1정말 그렇게 생각하세요? 말씀 너무 고맙습니다2말.. 2024. 7. 28.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day43 여러모로 쓸모가 많은 figure out 활용하기 Day 43You figured that out right away. 눈치가 빠르시네요.  김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples  1I can't figure out how to fix my a/c. I need to call a technician.2Bring your homework over here. We can figure it out together.3Seoul's subway system might be a bit hard for foreigners to figure out. 4I've been out of work for five months now. I can't figure out what to do next.5I've gone through my whole close.. 2024. 7. 25.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day42 정중하게 거절하기 Day 42I’m good.저는 괜찮습니다.  김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples  1I'm good, thanks2Would you like another piece of cake? / No thanks, I'm totally good.3You need any more, Kelly? / No thanks, I'm good.4I'm good with what I already have.5Do you want anything from the convenience store, or are you good?  1고맙지만 저는 괜찮아요2A: 케이크 한조각 더 드실래요? B: 아니요. 정말 괜찮아요3A: Kelly, 더 줄까요? B : 아니요, 괜찮아요4(상대방이 음식이나 술을 더 시.. 2024. 7. 24.