Day151 김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day15 완료 여부에 대해 묻고 답하기 Day015 - Are you done with your plate?다 먹은 거니?Model Examples1Are you done with this squat rack? Is it alright if I use it?2I think I'm done with my sandwich. It's just way too big.3Are you done with the book I lent you? I'd like to have it back4I'm done taking a look at your car. I'll tell you what you've got here5Don't come in! I'm not done changing1이 스쾃기구 다 쓰신거죠? 제가 써도 될까요?2샌드위치 그만 먹을래. 너무 커3제.. 2024. 6. 7. 이전 1 다음 반응형